A Goldmine of Quotes
I am Greg Bowman and this is my opening day with my first Web Log. I want to start by sharing my latest passion: The works of G.K. Chesterson. A fearless yet lovable writer/artist that has some been ommitted from most public schools. The link is: http://www.chesterton.org/index.html. I especially enjoyed his "quotes" section.
Who am I? I am a Husband,Father, and Patriot. I am currently applying for addmission into a Master of Arts in Teaching program in Oregon. I plan to teach 12-18 year-old Talented And Gifted (TAG) students. I have broad interests and am concerned about the future of America and the world. I believe that most of us fall into one of two catagories:
1.We seek to leave the world a better place than we found it.
2.We seek personal advantage above all else.
The truely wise manage to do Good while doing well.
Grace your way,
Greg Bowman